The most recent NARPM regional convention was hosted here in downtown Boise this year. I attended a maintenance class headed by Tony Drost that was quite informative and brought up a number of simple, cost-effective ways to improve tenant safety and limit potential liability for property owners. Although Boise is quite safe compared to much of the world, Legerity Property Management will be rolling out some of these new maintenance policies as properties are turned over.
As most of my clients are aware, vacancy rates are looking very good for this year and the general sentiment among property managers is that Ada county vacancy rates are unusually low and properties are renting faster with people more often showing up with a deposit ready, albeit at relatively stable rents, while Canyon county is still lagging behind with relatively average vacancy rates. I look forward to seeing the actual vacancy statistics for the second quarter as I suspect it will be one of the better summers on record for property owners.
Brandon Morgan